Android most advanced malware yet, phone recording malware

CA researchers have discovered one of the most advanced Android malwarea call recording malware.


In the past, malwares were generally keeping track of users incoming/ outgoing calls and SMS usage but no malware ever went as far as recording phone calls.

Venkateskan wrote on CA’s official blog:

This Trojan is more advanced as it records the conversation itself in ‘amr’ format. Also it has got many other malicious activities that we have seen in many of the earlier malware incidents targeted for Android platform.

The malware is introduced via a modified app that users downloads unsuspiciously. After the installation, the malware will start working by recording calls and storing audio file in a callrecord folder itself found within a folder called shangzhou in the SD card. Note that the official origin of the malware has not been determined but it seems to be from China as the folder name is a chinese name.

As usual, users should not install apps from suspicious Android app stores and definitely not install apps that are not certified. The Android world is still a dangerous place, get yourself a free anti-virus and enjoy.

[Via CA]

Related links
AVG Mobilation – free Android Anti-virus for tablets and smartphones