Android 5.0 Jelly Bean coming soon?

Google is going fast these days. According to website news DigiTimes, the Mountain View company is already preparing to release its next Android OS version – 5.0 Jelly Bean by next quarter.

With barely 1% of smartphones and tablets running on Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, why the rush? Well it seems like Google is trying to release Jelly Bean before Windows releases Windows 8. But what’s so special about Android 5.0 Jelly Bean? Dual-booting. That’s right, with Jelly Bean, manufacturers could load Windows 8 right from Jelly Bean, and that’s without having to reboot. So if this rumor is true, Google’s Android 5.0 Jelly Bean could very well be found on future Windows 8 tablets. Smart way for expanding beyond Android tablets.


The only issue this could cause is more fragmentation issues within the Android ecosystem. Android 4.0 Ice cream Sandwich is supposed to unify all Android versions, tablets and smartphones into one. The launch of Android 5.0 Jelly Bean could mean another fragmentation round in the Android OS. Hopefully not, we’ll see in time.

[Via Digitimes]