Google release Android Honeycomb 3.0 and new Android Market

HoneycombGoogle just released its next generation of Android OS – Honeycomb 3.0 especially designed for tablets. Along with this new tablet OS designed to take on Apple’s Ipad, Google also introduced a new way for consumers to buy their apps.

But first off with Honeycomb, the Motorola Xoom will be the first tablet to run Honeycomb. It was designed only for tablets, so you wont find a phone with it. It was designed keeping in mind the differences between a mobile user and a tablet user. The main difference between the two being the screen size, hence the need of a redesigned soft keyboard. The keyboard is larger and allows faster and more accurate text inputs. Tab key has been added as well as some other new function keys to access menus or special characters. Along with that comes improved copy and paste.

Honeycomb has a new user interface, which includes a tasks bar allowing us to control the different applications open and to navigate throughout them. Up to five customizable home screens will be available and new connectivity options will be available. These options include full keyboard connections through USB or Bluetooth. Standard applications like web browsing were updated to take advantage of the new larger screen and now includes tabs and improved multi-touch functionalities. Last but not least, all previous Android applications built for smartphones will run on Honeycomb tablets.

Google released a new Web based Android Market allowing users to shop for applications directly from their browser and eventually download right from it. In the past, you had to get your application from Google’s Android Market via your phone or tablet Android Market App just like Apple’s App Store.

This new form of App distribution will probably be more attractive to developers who will find new advertising opportunities to distribute their apps. Hopefully, this will also increase the quality of available Apps on the Android Market if developers find potential revenue opportunities.

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