OUYA’s Android video game console available for only $99

Android is set to invade your living room thanks to OUYA’s gaming console.
The L.A based company is seeking funding to mass produce and refine it’s gaming console via Kickstarter. As a sign that it is doing well, OUYA was able to collect over 4 million dollars from 37000 backers in just a few days. That’s 4 times its original goal of 900,000$. Impressive.

Indeed, as the OUYA console should be available for only 99$ with one remote. Games should be free or have at least a free demo.


OUYA should be powered by a Tegra 3 quad-core processor with 1GB of RAM and 8GB of internal flash storage. Furthermore, you’ll have an HDMI connection port, WiFi, Bluetooth and a USB port.
All this will be running on a slightly modified Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. Choosing to use Android is what helps making this console so affordable for OUYA and game developers.

“Anyone can make a game: every OUYA console is a dev kit. No need to purchase a license or an expensive SDK. It’s built on Android, so developers already know how it works.”

And amazingly, OUYA is open to hackers. This means you can modify it, root it without voiding your warranty to do even more than playing games. Don’t forget, OUYA is android based, so Android applications could work on OUYA!

OUYA’s mission was to bring back gaming to your big screen TV and to help developers make games that are fun and affordable to anyone. Needless to say, mission accomplished! At least for now, until we have one to play with!

[Via Kickstarter OUYA]