Samsung Tectiles – automation using NFC

NFC ever heard about it? Near Field Communication is its full name and it is the technology that everyone is betting on. By everyone I mean Google, Apple, Samsung and most financial institution. Why? Because its the next form of payment. Eventhough its been around in Japan and Europe for a while, NFC is slowly gaining ground in America. NFC lets you make a payment with your NFC phone on an NFC receiver just by simply approaching your phone to the receiver.


In order to get people more acquainted with NFC, and since it has one of the largest pool of NFC devices, Samsung just launched TecTiles. Keep in mind that the idea behind NFC is the transfer of data/ functions/ orders via an NFC receiver and an NFC device. With this in mind, Samsung Tectiles are just 1 inch square NFC receiver that you can program to whatever you want.
Say you want to send a text message home every time you finish work and get in your car. Program the Samsung Tectile to send a text message home and leave it in your car. Next time you get in your car, put your NFC enabled phone next to the Tectile and it will send the text message as programmed.

The Samsung Tectiles are perfect for automation, and the neat thing is that they are very small and reprogrammable. Other example could be to turn off the phone when you are in the library, or set your alarm clock for instance. Anything is possible with these little NFC tiles. You can share contact information, or share pictures too!

Samsung is offering the Tectiles in a pack of five for $14.99. To work you’ll need an Android device with an NFC chip embedded such as the Samsung Galaxy S3, some Samsung Galaxy S2 (depending where you bought it), the Samsung Galaxy Nexus and other devices with NFC such as the Sony Xperia Acro S or Android tablets such as the TazPad.

The Samsung TecTiles app is available for free at the Google play store.

[Via samsung tectile]