Android tablet coming soon?

After the much hyped Ipad from Apple, it is only natural for Google to produce a tablet of its own. This tablet from Google reinforces the battle these two companies with Apple’s Iphone/ Google’s Nexus, Istore/ Android Market and now the Apple’s Ipad and Google’s upcoming tablet.

As of this moment, very few details are available, but Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt confirmed that he wanted a tablet that would function as a computer, but would have the versatility and ease of a big touch screen device, like an ebook reader, a gaming device and more running on Android.
The Google tablet should fill in where Apple’s Ipad is failing, for example, running Flash applications, cloud based for data transfers as opposed to USB transfers among other improvements.

These are some big shoes to fill in especially since the Ipad has been on the market for while now, only time will tell how Google’s tablet is going to do in this new emerging market.

Related links

Report: Google Working on Android-Based Tablet