Android now available on Windows thanks to BlueStack

Android is now available on Windows. Thanks to BlueStack, the Google OS now runs on Windows.

The BlueStack app launcher appears on your desktop’s top right corner. Select any app you want directly from the app window, and your Android app will launch fullscreen size as if it were running from your smartphone or tablet. The BlueStack apps comes pre-loaded with a few apps such Bloomberg News and Drag Racing. Other apps can be added via BlueStacks App Channels.


It will also be possible to transfer apps from your smartphone to your Windows computer via the BlueStacks Cloud Connect App. Preliminary testing is showing good speed results running Android apps on a PC. The main drawback is that since Android apps are requiring gestual movement, it may be hard to control/ access them with a mouse. The ideal way to use them is with some touchscreen computer.

Regardless, it is still very usable and I don’t think that this technical issue will prevent you from playing Angry Birds on your computer. I’ve never imagined seeing those birds on my computer screen, they’re really everywhere!

There have been no details regarding a Mac version of the BlueStack app for now. But if you really want to see Android on Apple’s product, you can still try Alien Dalvik for the iPad.