Google’s social network Google+ on its way to Apple iOS?

With the introduction of Google+ last week, Google is taking on well established Facebook social network. For now, the web version is available as well as an app for Android phones.

What we didn’t know, is that Google actually submitted the Google+ app version to Apple for review and hopefully approval.


Here’s what a Google employee leaked out on her Google+ page,

For my iPhone using friends: the Google+ iPhone app has been submitted to the App store (no not today, sometime prior to today) and is awaiting approval.

That’s right, for Google+ to be successful, Google will need to have it available from anywhere on any platform possible and that means Apple’s Iphone iOS. This is a bit odd, as Apple and Google are fighting for smartphone supremacy with iOS and Android, but I guess we should always keep all doors open.

This doesn’t mean that Google will get approval for the Google+ iOS native. Apple rejected two of Google’s applications in the past, Google Voice and Latitude. Not that Google absolutely needs it, but approval of the Google+ app by Apple will definitely give Google an edge for its Google+ service.

Having a native app in the Apple App Store will instantly give a boost to Google+ as users will have a dedicated app for the social network. A dedicated app will have many benefits, among them is instant push notifications. This allows users to always be connected to their friends.

Should Apple reject the app, Google will have no choice but to implement a web version for iOS. Note that this version is not as powerful as the native app since this requires users to look for it and does not update the user instantly.
So iPhone users, are you eager to try Google+ on your iPhone, Android fans sure are ready!

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