Here’s another reason why you should not only download apps from trusted sites, but join trusted Wi-Fi and always browse with your browser setting to secure mode.
A new app is making its way and can cause some serious damage to your social life. The app called FaceNiff is an Android application that can hack into your Facebook, Twitter, and even Amazon account. The only requirement is that you need to be on the same network. So imagine yourself in a coffee shop, browsing Facebook and the guy next to you using FaceNiff can start tracking down your every move. Scary isn’t it?
And it gets worse, FaceNiff can also hack through secured Wi-Fi networks. So even at home you may not be secure. The only way to be secure, is to browse with the secure option on (ie HTTPS). This secure mode is not set by default on Facebook and Twitter, but is available. So if you don’t want to have any bad surprise, just go in the options and set brwosing to secure mode.
The FaceNiff app is only available for rooted Android device, but since rooting is not very hard to do, you better just browse with HTTPS enabled.