Possible Google Nexus 3? No physical buttons

A new leak on the internet has appeared revealing Google’s next Nexus handset the Nexus 3.

Originally designed by HTC, the Google Nexus One is Google’s flagship device and comes as is, just a stock Android device without any UI by manufacturers.
The Google Nexus S, was designed by Samsung and includes NFC technology.


This latest leak, is a bit confusing, as it’s already been taken down. Publicity stunt or just really a leak? You decide, all we can say from the picture is that if it is the next Nexus, or Nexus 3, the design has been cleared out. Free of any physical button with what seems to be a front facing camera on the top.

The Google Nexus 3 shall run Google’s Android Ice Cream Sandwich OS and manufactured by either HTC or LG. We’ll keep you updated as soon as we get more information.

UPDATE Google’s Nexus 3 leak is fake!

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