US Army enrolling Android in its troops

Android devices were selected last week as the Operating System the US Army will use on its smartphones.

This week, the US Army announced that it will launch near the end of the summer in late August, early September, the Army App store or more accurately, the Army Marketplace.
In the Army Marketplace, soldiers will be able to download apps for their device, as well as make requests as to what they really need. Training materials, productivity tools, regional maps will be among the available apps to the soldiers.

The Army Marketplace will be hosted on a US defense server only available to members of the defense department.

This whole Marketplace idea for the army is very interesting, but will need to be very secure as it will definitely contain some very sensitive information. Imagine the recent chaos Apple’s Iphone and Google’s Android phone created with the idea of users being tracked by their smartphone, how this could be disastrous for troops in the field.

Related links

Army develops smartphone framework, applications for the front lines