100,000 apps available in the Android Market

Google just announced on its Android twitter account that the Android Market has just reached the 100,000 applications milestone. This is a sign of the Android market growing at a very rapid pace since it tripled in just 6 months.

On the other hand, Steve Jobs, announced that the Apple Store had reached 300,000 applications. To be fair, Apple Store did reached the 100,000 milestone faster than the Android Market.

As an Android fan, but as an honest critics, truth must be told on today’s Android Market. Currently, of the 100,000 apps, a large number of them are just poor quality applications, the saying quantity over quality really does apply here, hopefully just for now. Hopefully, developers will create better applications that are compatible on all the different Android devices. Open source is great, however, this is also one of the main drawback and difficulties developers have in developing applications that can run on so many different hardwares.

Big challenges still await the Android community, hopefully it can only get better.

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One hundred thousand apps in Android Market.